Emblematically Speaking - the sequel

Tue 2nd October 2018 | Announcements
By Stewart Taylor

Announcements FC

Regular readers of the Hallmark Security League website will recall that one of our features last season told the story behind each of the emblems our member clubs have chosen to represent themselves.

Some of these emblems tell the story of the town represented by the club, whilst others are more contemporary.

Presented in many cases with a significant nod in the direction of the sometimes obscure world of classical heraldry, we gathered a lot of information which, at least in part, led to a deeper understanding of a football club and the origins of that football club within its community.

The extension of the Hallmark Security League to three divisions for the current season saw no fewer than 17 clubs come into the League – many for the first time in their history, others returning to the League after a period away.

As we have seen, all of these clubs use emblems to act as a ready identifier of the club, and it seemed to be a good idea to welcome these new and returning clubs into the fold by having a look at their emblems.

So, if you like, here we go again and in the weeks that follow we will present the emblem of each of our new clubs with all of the background information we can muster, to explain exactly why the emblem was chosen.

As with last season, some of these will be definitive, for example, where a club has taken the coat of arms, or elements of the coat of arms, of the town it represents whilst others will be what we might call “derivative”.

Nothing much more to say, except that returning readers will know what to expect and we would hope that new readers will derive some pleasure from these sometimes wandering narratives.

The first story of the new series will be published next Tuesday and the remainder on subsequent Tuesdays into the New Year.  We hope that you find this new series both informative and enjoyable.

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