League Statement - applications from Step 7 clubs

Thu 15th March 2018 | Announcements
By Ian Templeman

There was an article in last Sunday's Non League Paper by Robin Jones re the New Step 6 Divisions in Essex.

The article stated that Clubs would be given until the 31st May to meet the basic ground grading, but have until 2020 to bring their facilities up to Step 6 requirements.

On behalf of the NWCFL, I would like to clarify our position on the formation of the two Step 6 Divisions in the North West.

The first point is that in the Essex area, there are very different circumstances than those in the North West.

The FA National Leagues Committee Chairman and Vice Chairman have in principle agreed that up to 3 clubs can be promoted to our Competition from each of the current Step 7 Feeder Leagues, and that compliant clubs to ground grade H by 31st March 2018 will take preference over others that may need a concession.

That concession being at the absolute discretion of the NWCFL, and subject to approval from the Football Association, which is by no later than 30th April 2018.

This concession will  be considered when a club has been delayed in completing the requirements of grade H due to recent weather conditions. Such clubs must make application for an extension to 31st March deadline directly to the NWCFL and submit an copy of a work schedule.

Any delay for any other reason should be notified to the NWCFL, stating exactly what is the issue and submitting any necessary documentation.

The highest placed applicant Clubs finishing in the top 5 of their Step 7 League and compliant with ground grade H at 31st March 2018 will be promoted. That is the normal National League System Regulation.

Clubs finishing below the highest placed applicant club will be subject to the FA National Leagues Committee approval. As will clubs applying from Step 7 Leagues not normally considered to be NWCFL Feeders Leagues.

It is considered that the NWCFL will require a minimum of 9 clubs to formulate 2 divisions of 16 clubs, and up to a maximum number of 17 clubs to formulate 2 divisions of 20 clubs.

The extension deadline of 30th April will not be further extended, as the composition of Leagues at Steps 1-6 will be made by the FA National Leagues Committee, usually during the second week in May.

John Deal, Secretary, Hallmark Security League

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